Alan Nolan is the Managing Director and co-founder of the Aspire “family” which consists of Aspire Business Partnership, Aspire HR and Alan Nolan Productions Limited.

Some would say that the rise of Aspire has been a fairy story…

Once upon a time, in a far off kingdom (known as Canary Wharf), a white knight gazed longingly from his Big 4 ivory tower watching all the trades people go about their daily business under the watchful eye of the Queen’s revenue collectors.

The white knight had become increasingly frustrated at fighting his battles with one arm tied behind his back and often dreamt of forming his own specialist bunch of jousters who were able to protect Her Majesty’s loyal subjects and help them to pay the right amount of taxes at the right time.

After breaking free from his Big 4 employers, the white knight set off on a lonely voyage to gather-up like-minded jousters to form a specialist protection business, working with the trades people, ensuring they were acting in compliance with the Queen’s laws.

The word spread quickly across the land that a real alternative to the Big 4 had been formed, a business which was passionate about jousting with the revenue collectors on all fronts but could also provide top quality pro-active advice so that the trades people and loyal subjects could sleep soundly in their comfy beds and live happily ever after. 

The trades people in construction and recruitment duly turned away from the Big 4 and began to look towards Aspire for guidance, building strong working relationships with the jousters in order to keep the wolf from the door.

The white knight and his merry band of jousters now work tirelessly across the kingdom providing advice to all trades people big and small, who find themselves at the mercy of the revenue collectors – often confused about new laws which are passed daily, some of which are not fully understood by the Queen’s revenue collectors.                         

Many years have passed since the white knight broke from his ivory tower but he has never once lost his passion for delivering 100% commitment to the trades people who seek his advice. Nor has he lost his passion for the team who joust in red cloaks at a place called Anfield (YNWA), eating porridge with the three bears, and coaching a team of junior jousters who dream of playing in the premier jousting tournament.

What the bird tweeted

News and Blogs




Spotlight 64- Warning for employment agencies using umbrella companies

On 22nd April 2024 HMRC published Spotlight 64 which gives guidance for employme ...

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Mini Umbrella Appeal Judgement

The Judgement of Elphysic Limited & Others v The Commissioners for His Majesty’s ...

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Tackling non-compliance in the umbrella company market

Following the publication of a consultation in June 2023, HMRC have published a ...

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