Karen joined Aspire in 2009 as a Senior Manager.  Previously Karen worked in management roles in DWP and a GP partnership, both of which provided her with extensive experience in adjudication, HR and the interpretation of legislation. 

This background, together with her practical approach, has proven to be vital to her role with Aspire. 

Karen specialises in a wide range of issues including the niche area of supply chain management in the temporary labour market, including the drafting and application of contracts, due diligence obligations and drafting policies and procedure. Karen is known in the office for her knowledge surrounding expense legislation and the application of expenses in the temporary labour sector – she is the go-to for all things expense related!

Karen’s practical approach helps clients to maintain compliance with a wide range of employment law and employment tax legislation including (but not limited to);

  • The Agency Workers Regulations 2010

  • The Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003

  • The Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003

  • The National Minimum Wage Regulations 2015

  • The VAT Act 1994

and she routinely assists clients with interpretation, liaison with HMRC and representation at Employment Tribunal on a wide range of issues.

Karen has also been awarded with a Certificate of Continuing Professional Development in Investigating Modern Slavery. The course was delivered and accredited by the Gangmasters Licensing Authority working in partnership with the University of Derby. This enables Karen to advise large businesses on their obligations under the Modern Slavery Act, in particular the production of a Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement. 

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News and Blogs




Court of Appeal CIS Regulations Decision

The Court of Appeal heard an appeal against a decision of Mr Justice Fordham dis ...

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HMRC launch VAT Registration Estimator

HMRC has launched a new online tool to help businesses understand the impact tha ...

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Joint Employment and the Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate

The Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate (“EASI”) has recently issued a noti ...

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