Free Webinar: Construction industry labour supply chain challenges

09 December 2021

Attend our free webinar - Rhian will be discussing HMRC challenges that construction industry contractors are currently facing in terms of their labour supply chains.

Knowing your supply chain should be top of any business’ agenda and Rhian will be explaining why that is and what steps you should be taking to protect your business. We have learned that HMRC’s expectations go much further than their published guidance…

False self-employment is rife in the construction industry and Rhian will make you aware of the consequences of this. We will take you through some recent case law also.

Losing Gross Payment Status (GPS) is one of the most serious consequences of non-compliance in the construction industry. HMRC have the power to remove GPS with immediate effect. Rhian will share some real life examples we have seen. Compliance is key!

What would an employment tax, construction industry fuelled webinar be without mentioning the scope of the CIS? This grey area causes issues and unwanted battles with HMRC.



1.Know your labour supply chain

2. False self-employment

3. Losing Gross Payment Status

4. Scope of the CIS


Additional Info:

Price: FREE
Language: English
Who can attend: Anyone with the event link.


To register click: HERE


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